It’s 40 days until the 2013 San Diego Half Marathon. My last post about running was a month ago and I had many excuses about why my training hasn’t gone as planned. Below is a chart of my running activities from December through January (now).
As you can see, there’s a week’s gap where the miles logged amounts to a big, fat, nothing. I got sick. I’m not sure if it was the flu or some other bug, but it was bad. It had me in bed for 2 days and I had terrible sinus pain—so much that my upper teeth ached.
Recovery was slow. In fact, I think I’ve just gotten over the chest congestion. Once I started to feel better I took to the treadmill for some speedwork so I wouldn’t have to breathe in cold air.

My first outdoor run since being sick was 4 miles in 35°F weather…before sunrise. I was quickly reminded that I couldn’t run fast and I probably shouldn’t be out in the cold for too long. I was winded at times. But I slowly added the miles and changed my training plan based on my health. Luckily, at this point in training, there’s room to catch up.
I decided to log how I felt after my training runs so I can see how my body reacts to weather, sickness, hills, cross-training, etc. I was injured at my last race due to improper training, I wanted to prevent that from happening again.
Most of my notes stated how my lungs and nose were holding up (I’m not a snot-rocket-blowing runner). But I also noticed that most of the time, my body felt fine. Usually, I’d have tightness in the arch of one of my feet or sometimes would sense shin splints coming on, but this time was different. I’ve only noted muscle soreness but no noticeable pain. The only thing I different that was added to my training were classes at the Dailey Method in San Diego.
Could it be that the classes affected the health of my legs? Let’s take a look at The Dailey Method…
Classes begin with a warm-up and upper body work using many reps and light weights. Sometimes a little ball is involved that you keep between your knees or push between your hands. Then you do leg work, and seat work—all while engaging your core. Sounds There’s a lake behind all this rain…[/caption]
Last Sunday I ran 8 miles with no pain. This past Saturday I ran 6.1 miles around Lake Murray in the rain without any problems. It felt good not to have pain besides your typical sore muscles from working out. And it’s all due to alignment.
You can check out the Dailey Method for yourself and see if it helps you! They offer your first class for $10 and have reasonable rates if you’re just trying out a few sessions.
The Dailey Method San Diego is located at 1230 Columbia Street, #110
San Diego, CA 92101.
Visit their website: http://www.thedaileymethod.com/sandiego.html
And Like them Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/DaileyMethodSD
Disclosure: I was given complimentary classes from The Dailey Method San Diego in exchange for reviews of my experience. All opinions stated here are my own.