Quick and Easy Cranberry Sauce

Cranberry Sauce Recipe


Why buy when you can make a cranberry sauce that is far superior to the canned stuff?

Seriously, the canned stuff tastes like “can.”

This is a quick and easy recipe for cranberry sauce.

  • 12oz. Cranberries (1 bag)
  • 1 cup Sugar
  • 2 tsp. Orange Zest
  • 2 tbsp. Orange Juice (fresh from the orange you just zested)
  • Salt & Pepper to taste (yes, salt & pepper)

Put everything but the salt and pepper in a pot and cook it at medium heat until the berries burst. Add the salt and pepper to taste. This is important! The salt really brings out the flavor.

This recipe is great base that can be easily modified to suit your taste. You can add cinnamon or cloves to it (that would be tasty). If you don’t like orange, leave it out and just use water. Maybe you’d like it a bit more savory or spicy, season with a little more salt and try adding cayenne. It’s really up to you! 

Enjoy your Thanksgiving and remember to pray for those who are hungry or who don’t have people to celebrate with this season.


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