Choosing the right path for your kids


Today I sent my oldest child to 6th grade. It’s a new school for her — a Catholic school. While she received six years developing a strong educational foundation (thankfully, she was at a good, desirable, public school), we knew that she was lacking the spiritual aspects that a Catholic education would have given her.

As parents we always want what’s best for our children. We keep God at the center of our life at home and at work but we didn’t have control over what was being said and done at school. Our best hope was that she stayed firm in her faith and for the most part, she has. Before choosing to make the leap to a private school we always have questions. Would we be giving up a great education elsewhere? What if the school isn’t challenging her?

Sometimes I feel that I’m doing a social experiment on my children — I don’t know what I’m doing, yet I try things to see if they work out. We direct them on a path and hope that it’s the right one. The best I can do is put them in God’s hands.

I came across this verse from Proverbs today and it couldn’t be more fitting.

Direct your children on the right path, and when they are older they will not leave it.

Proverbs is a wonderful collection of instructional sayings, placing wisdom before mere knowledge. I know the Holy Spirit placed this verse in front of me today. It’s God patting me on the back saying, “trust me, it will be okay.”

3 thoughts on “Choosing the right path for your kids

  1. This is a beautiful post, Melisa! We’re also Catholic, but opted for pubic school and a very strong spiritual and religious education at home. Both of our kids, now 20 and 23, got their sacraments and a solid moral and value system because of the work we did at home. I think this is what public school lacks, but happy we put the extra time and effort for them. Thankfully, they are still on the right path:)

  2. I love this verse. Thank you for sharing. I often feel the same, but if we trust they are in God’s hands, then we have to believe they are okay. xo.

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